In the heart of Culloden Woods, just a short distance from the Battlefield is a walled Clootie Well known as St. Mary’s well. It sits on the ‘Culloden Battlefield Trail’ which runs through Culloden Woods. The Woods are located between the Battlefield and Culloden House.

What is a Cloot? Well, traditionally, a piece of cloth is dipped in the water of the holy well, then tied to a branch while a prayer is said to the spirit of the well. This is done by those in need of healing either an illness or a wound. Though some do it simply to honour the spirit of the well. The affected part of the body was washed with the wet rag, then the rag, or cloot, was tied on the branch nearby. It was believed that as the rag disintegrated over time, the wound or illness would heal
There is a bench at Clootie Well to remember the brave soldiers who washed their wounds in the waters of the well after the Battle of Culloden. Engraving on the bench reads:
“It wasn’t the clear water of hope
the well of the wood spilled that day”

If you would love to explore a great deal more about Culloden, including more about the Clootie Well, the Prisoners’ Stone, Culloden House, the Battlefield, a local church with an incredible Clan Chief story… and so much more, then you’re welcome to rent our Virtual Tour – The Culloden Experience, where we take you on an in-depth journey into the history of the wider area of Culloden and the lives of the people who lived here. The video is available to rent on demand for 24 hours and can be watched repeatedly during that time.
Join us for a three minute walk around Clootie Well in the heart of Culloden Woods in the video below.

4 Responses
So beautiful. But so violent a history.
I enjoyed the tour of Culloden. I felt sad as I saw the place where so much violence still seems to ecidt.
Can’t believe I missed this well at Culloden
Last August Such a moving place I could almost envision the battle
Hi Monell, this Well isn’t on the Battlefield site that is owned by the National Trust for Scotland, so it’s not something you would see when walking the Visitor Centre site there. This is deep in the heart of Culloden Woods, near the Battlefield. You would need someone to take you into the woods to show you where this is, as the woods are very large and the Well is not signposted until you can actually see it.